
Control global configuration options with environment variables. A global settings object that other parts of Bokeh can refer to.

BOKEH_ALLOW_WS_ORIGIN — List of websocket origins allowed to access bokeh.

Comma separated list of domains that need to access bokeh websocket interface. This can also be provided using the –allow-websocket-origin parameter.

Note: This option overrides the –allow-websocket-origin flag

BOKEH_BROWSER — What browser to use when opening plots.

Valid values are any of the browser names understood by the python standard library webbrowser module.

BOKEH_DEV — Whether to use development mode.

This uses absolute paths to development (non-minified) BokehJS components, sets logging to debug, makes generated HTML and JSON human-readable, etc.

This is a meta variable equivalent to the following environment variables:

  • BOKEH_RESOURCES=absolute-dev

Accepted values are yes/no, true/false or 0/1.


When running server and notebook examples, the BOKEH_RESOURCES setting that BOKEH_DEV sets will cause rendering problems.

We recommend manually setting BOKEH_RESOURCES to server for server work, and inline for notebooks (other Resources settings may also work)

BOKEH_DOCS_CDN — What version of BokehJS to use when building sphinx.

See bokeh.resources module reference for full details.

BOKEH_DOCS_VERSION — What version of Bokeh to show when building sphinx docs locally.

Useful for re-deployment purposes.

Set to "local" to use a locally built dev version of BokehJS.


This variable is only used when building documentation from the development version.

BOKEH_LOG_LEVEL — The BokehJS console logging level to use.

Valid values are, in order of increasing severity:

  • trace
  • debug
  • info
  • warn
  • error
  • fatal

The default logging level is info.


When running server examples, it is the value of this BOKEH_LOG_LEVEL that is set for the server that matters.

BOKEH_MINIFIED — Whether to emit minified JavaScript for bokeh.js.

Accepted values are yes/no, true/false or 0/1.

BOKEH_PRETTY — Whether to emit “pretty printed” JSON.

Accepted values are yes/no, true/false or 0/1.

BOKEH_PY_LOG_LEVEL — The Python logging level to set.

As in the JS side, valid values are, in order of increasing severity:

  • trace
  • debug
  • info
  • warn
  • error
  • fatal
  • none

The default logging level is none.

BOKEH_RESOURCES — What kind of BokehJS resources to configure.

For example: inline, cdn, server. See the Resources class reference for full details.

BOKEH_ROOTDIR — Root directory to use with relative resources.

See the Resources class reference for full details.

BOKEH_SIMPLE_IDS — Whether to generate human-friendly object IDs.

Accepted values are yes/no, true/false or 0/1. Normally Bokeh generates UUIDs for object identifiers. Setting this variable to an affirmative value will result in more friendly simple numeric IDs counting up from 1000.

BOKEH_VERSION — What version of BokehJS to use with cdn resources.

See the Resources class reference for full details.