Source code for

"""This is the Bokeh charts interface. It gives you a high level API to build
complex plot is a simple way.

This is the Donut builder which lets you build your Donut plots just passing
the arguments to the Chart class and calling the proper functions.
# Copyright (c) 2012 - 2014, Anaconda, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Powered by the Bokeh Development Team.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software.

# Imports

from __future__ import absolute_import

from ..builder import create_and_build, Builder
from ..utils import (build_wedge_source, build_wedge_text_source,
                     build_agg_tooltip, derive_aggregation)
from ..attributes import ColorAttr, CatAttr
from ...models import HoverTool
from ...models.sources import ColumnDataSource
from ...models.glyphs import AnnularWedge, Text
from ...models.renderers import GlyphRenderer
from ...models.ranges import Range1d
from import Dimension
from import String, Instance, Float, Color, Either, List

# Classes and functions

[docs]def Donut(data, label='index', values=None, color=None, agg=None, hover_tool=True, hover_text=None, plot_height=400, plot_width=400, xgrid=False, ygrid=False, **kw): """ Create a Donut chart containing one or more layers from table-like data. Create a donut chart using :class:`DonutBuilder <>` to render the glyphs from input data and specification. The primary use case for the donut chart is to show relative amount each category, within a categorical array or multiple categorical arrays, makes up of the whole for some array of values. Args: data (:ref:`userguide_charts_data_types`): the data source for the chart label (str or list(str), optional): the categorical variable to use for creating separate boxes values (str, optional): the values to use for producing the boxplot using table-like input data color (str or list(str) or bokeh.charts._attributes.ColorAttr, optional): the categorical variable or color attribute specification to use for coloring the wedges agg (str, optional): how the values associated with a wedge should be aggregated hover_tool (bool, optional): whether to show the value of the wedge when hovering hover_text (str, optional): provide an alternative string to use to label the value shown with the hover tool **kw: In addition to the parameters specific to this chart, :ref:`userguide_charts_defaults` are also accepted as keyword parameters. Returns: :class:`Chart`: includes glyph renderers that generate the wedges the make up the donut(s) Examples: .. bokeh-plot:: :source-position: above from bokeh.charts import Donut, show, output_file from bokeh.charts.utils import df_from_json from bokeh.sampledata.olympics2014 import data import pandas as pd # utilize utility to make it easy to get json/dict data converted to a dataframe df = df_from_json(data) # filter by countries with at least one medal and sort by total medals df = df[df['total'] > 8] df = df.sort_values(by="total", ascending=False) df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=['abbr'], value_vars=['bronze', 'silver', 'gold'], value_name='medal_count', var_name='medal') # original example d = Donut(df, label=['abbr', 'medal'], values='medal_count', text_font_size='8pt', hover_text='medal_count') output_file("donut.html") show(d) """ kw['label'] = label kw['values'] = values kw['color'] = color kw['xgrid'] = xgrid kw['ygrid'] = ygrid kw['plot_height'] = plot_height kw['plot_width'] = plot_width if agg is not None: kw['agg'] = agg chart = create_and_build(DonutBuilder, data, **kw) chart.left[0].visible = False chart.below[0].visible = False values, agg = derive_aggregation(dim_cols=label, agg_col=values, agg=agg) if hover_tool: tooltip = build_agg_tooltip(hover_text=hover_text, aggregated_col=values, agg_text=agg) chart.add_tools(HoverTool(tooltips=[tooltip])) return chart
[docs]class DonutBuilder(Builder): """Produces layered donut for hierarchical groups of data. Handles derivation of chart settings from inputs and assignment of attributes to each group of data. """ default_attributes = {'color': ColorAttr(), 'label': CatAttr(), 'stack': CatAttr()} dimensions = ['values'] values = Dimension('values') agg = String(default='sum') chart_data = Instance(ColumnDataSource) text_data = Instance(ColumnDataSource) level_width = Float(default=1.5) level_spacing = Either(Float, List(Float), default=0.0) text_font_size = String(default='10pt') line_color = Color(default='White')
[docs] def setup(self): if self.attributes['label'].columns is None: self.attributes['label'].setup(data=self._data.source, columns=self._data.df.columns[0]) # handle input options where values were provided in simple or pre-aggregated # format if self.values.selection is None: # identify data that was indexed by a groupby operation and setup data/label # after this transformation, the rest of the chart is processed as if the # inputs were provided as column labels if not all([name is None for name in self._data.df.index.names]): label_cols = list(self._data.df.index.names) self._data._data.reset_index(inplace=True) self.attributes['label'].setup(data=self._data.source, columns=label_cols) # find remaining column for pre-aggregated data cols = [col for col in self._data.df.columns if col not in label_cols + ['index']] # when there is 'index' selection for label, use remaining column as label # if the remaining column is an object elif self.attributes['label'].columns[0] == 'index': cols = [col for col in self._data.df.columns if col not in ['index']] else: cols = self.attributes['label'].columns # setup our selection self.values.selection = cols[0] if self._data.df[self.values.selection] == 'object': self.attributes['label'].setup(data=self._data.source, columns=cols[0]) self.agg = 'count' # infer color specification and stacking if self.attributes['color'].columns is None: self.attributes['color'].setup(data=self._data.source, columns=self.attributes['label'].columns[0]) if self.attributes['stack'].columns is None: self.attributes['stack'].setup(data=self._data.source, columns=self.attributes['label'].columns[0])
[docs] def set_ranges(self): rng = (max(['level']) + 1.1) * self.level_width self.x_range = Range1d(-rng, rng) self.y_range = Range1d(-rng, rng)
[docs] def process_data(self): # produce polar ranges based on aggregation specification polar_data = build_wedge_source(self._data.df, cat_cols=self.attributes['label'].columns, agg_col=self.values.selection, agg=self.agg, level_width=self.level_width, level_spacing=self.level_spacing) # add placeholder color column that will be assigned colors polar_data['color'] = '' # set the color based on the assigned color for the group for group in self._data.groupby(**self.attributes): polar_data.loc[group['stack'], 'color'] = group['color'] # create the source for the wedges and the text self.chart_data = ColumnDataSource(polar_data) self.text_data = build_wedge_text_source(polar_data)
[docs] def yield_renderers(self): aw = AnnularWedge(x=0, y=0, inner_radius='inners', outer_radius='outers', start_angle='start', end_angle='end', fill_color='color', fill_alpha=0.8, line_color=self.line_color) yield GlyphRenderer(data_source=self.chart_data, glyph=aw) txt = Text(x="x", y="y", text="text", angle="text_angle", text_align="center", text_baseline="middle", text_font_size=self.text_font_size) yield GlyphRenderer(data_source=self.text_data, glyph=txt)