Source code for bokeh.util.string

''' Functions useful for string manipulations or encoding.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import re

[docs]def encode_utf8(u): ''' Encode a UTF-8 string to a sequence of bytes. Args: u (str) : the string to encode Returns: bytes ''' import sys if sys.version_info[0] == 2: u = u.encode('utf-8') return u
[docs]def decode_utf8(u): ''' Decode a sequence of bytes to a UTF-8 string Args: u (str) : the bytes to decode Returns: UTF-8 string ''' import sys if sys.version_info[0] == 2: u = u.decode('utf-8') return u
# based on `html` stdlib module (3.2+)
[docs]def escape(s, quote=("'", '"')): ''' Perform HTML-safe escaping. Replaces special characters "&", "<" and ">" to HTML-safe sequences, and optionally translates quote characters. Args: s (str): a string to escape quote (seq[str], optional) : which quote characters to replace (default: ("'", '"')) Returns: str ''' s = s.replace("&", "&amp;") s = s.replace("<", "&lt;") s = s.replace(">", "&gt;") if quote: if '"' in quote: s = s.replace('"', "&quot;") if "'" in quote: s = s.replace("'", "&#x27;") return s
[docs]def indent(text, n=2, ch=" "): ''' Indent all the lines in a given block of text by a specified amount. Args: text (str) : The text to indent n (int, optional) : The amount to indent each line by (default: 2) ch (char, optional) : What character to fill the indentation with (default: " ") ''' padding = ch * n return "\n".join(padding+line for line in text.split("\n"))
[docs]def nice_join(seq, sep=", ", conjuction="or"): ''' Join together sequences of strings into English-friendly phrases using the conjunction ``or`` when appropriate. Args: seq (seq[str]) : a sequence of strings to nicely join sep (str, optional) : a sequence delimiter to use (default: ", ") conjunction (str or None, optional) : a conjuction to use for the last two items, or None to reproduce basic join behaviour (default: "or") Returns: a joined string Examples: >>> nice_join(["a", "b", "c"]) 'a, b or c' ''' seq = [str(x) for x in seq] if len(seq) <= 1 or conjuction is None: return sep.join(seq) else: return "%s %s %s" % (sep.join(seq[:-1]), conjuction, seq[-1])
[docs]def snakify(name, sep='_'): ''' Convert CamelCase to snake_case. ''' name = re.sub("([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])", r"\1%s\2" % sep, name) name = re.sub("([a-z\\d])([A-Z])", r"\1%s\2" % sep, name) return name.lower()
[docs]def format_docstring(docstring, *args, **kwargs): ''' Safely format docstrings. When Python is executed with the ``-OO`` option, doc strings are removed and replaced the value ``None``. This function guards against applying the string formatting options in that case. Args: docstring (str or None) : The docstring to format, or ``None`` args (tuple) : string formatting arguments for the docsring kwargs (dict) : string formatting arguments for the docsring Returns: str or None ''' return None if docstring is None else docstring.format(*args, **kwargs)