Source code for bokeh.util.compiler

''' Provide functions and classes to help with various JS and CSS compilation.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import io
import re
import os
import sys
import six
import json
import hashlib
from os.path import dirname, join, abspath, exists, isabs
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

from ..model import Model
from ..settings import settings
from .string import snakify

_plugin_umd = \
(function(root, factory) {
//  if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')
//    factory(require("Bokeh"));
//  else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
//    define(["Bokeh"], factory);
//  else if(typeof exports === 'object')
//    factory(require("Bokeh"));
//  else
})(this, function(Bokeh) {
  var define;
  return %(content)s;

# XXX: this is the same as bokehjs/src/js/plugin-prelude.js
_plugin_prelude = \
(function outer(modules, entry) {
  if (Bokeh != null) {
    return Bokeh.register_plugin(modules, {}, entry);
  } else {
    throw new Error("Cannot find Bokeh. You have to load it prior to loading plugins.");

_plugin_template = \
  "custom/main": function(require, module, exports) {
    var models = {
    module.exports = models;
}, "custom/main");

_style_template = \
(function() {
  var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
  var style = document.createElement('style');
  style.type = 'text/css';
  var css = %(css)s;
  if (style.styleSheet) {
    style.styleSheet.cssText = css;
  } else {

_export_template = \
""""%(name)s": require("%(module)s").%(name)s"""

_module_template = \
""""%(module)s": function(require, module, exports) {\n%(source)s\n}"""

[docs]class AttrDict(dict): ''' Provide a dict subclass that supports access by named attributes. ''' def __getattr__(self, key): return self[key]
[docs]class CompilationError(RuntimeError): ''' A ``RuntimeError`` subclass for reporting JS compilation errors. ''' def __init__(self, error): super(CompilationError, self).__init__() self.line = error.get("line") self.column = error.get("column") self.message = error.get("message") self.text = error.get("text") self.annotated = error.get("annotated") def __str__(self): return self.text
bokehjs_dir = settings.bokehjsdir() nodejs_min_version = (6, 10, 0) def _detect_nodejs(): if settings.nodejs_path() is not None: nodejs_paths = [settings.nodejs_path()] else: nodejs_paths = ["nodejs", "node"] for nodejs_path in nodejs_paths: try: proc = Popen([nodejs_path, "--version"], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) (stdout, _) = proc.communicate() except OSError: continue if proc.returncode != 0: continue match = re.match(r"^v(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+).*$", stdout.decode("utf-8")) if match is not None: version = tuple(int(v) for v in match.groups()) if version >= nodejs_min_version: return nodejs_path # if we've reached here, no valid version was found version = ".".join(map(str, nodejs_min_version)) raise RuntimeError('node.js v%s or higher is needed to allow compilation of custom models ' % version + '("conda install nodejs" or follow') _nodejs = None _npmjs = None def _nodejs_path(): global _nodejs if _nodejs is None: _nodejs = _detect_nodejs() return _nodejs def _npmjs_path(): global _npmjs if _npmjs is None: _npmjs = join(dirname(_nodejs_path()), "npm") if sys.platform == "win32": _npmjs += '.cmd' return _npmjs def _crlf_cr_2_lf(s): return re.sub(r"\\r\\n|\\r|\\n", r"\\n", s) def _run(app, argv, input=None): proc = Popen([app] + argv, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdin=PIPE) (stdout, errout) = proc.communicate(input=None if input is None else json.dumps(input).encode()) if proc.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError(errout) else: return _crlf_cr_2_lf(stdout.decode('utf-8')) def _run_nodejs(argv, input=None): return _run(_nodejs_path(), argv, input) def _run_npmjs(argv, input=None): return _run(_npmjs_path(), argv, input) def _version(run_app): try: version = run_app(["--version"]) except RuntimeError: return None else: return version.strip() def nodejs_version(): return _version(_run_nodejs) def npmjs_version(): return _version(_run_npmjs) def nodejs_compile(code, lang="javascript", file=None): compilejs_script = join(bokehjs_dir, "js", "compiler.js") output = _run_nodejs([compilejs_script], dict(code=code, lang=lang, file=file)) return AttrDict(json.loads(output))
[docs]class Implementation(object): ''' Base class for representing Bokeh custom model implementations. ''' file = None
[docs]class Inline(Implementation): ''' Base class for representing Bokeh custom model implementations that may be given as inline code in some language. Args: code (str) : The source code for the implementation file (str, optional) A file path to a file containing the source text (default: None) ''' def __init__(self, code, file=None): self.code = code self.file = file
[docs]class CoffeeScript(Inline): ''' An implementation for a Bokeh custom model in CoffeeScript. Example: .. code-block:: python class MyExt(Model): __implementation__ = CoffeeScript(""" <CoffeeScript code> """) Note that ``CoffeeScript`` is the default implementation language for custom model implementations. The following is equivalent to example above: .. code-block:: python class MyExt(Model): __implementation__ == """ <some coffeescript code> """ ''' @property def lang(self): return "coffeescript"
[docs]class TypeScript(Inline): ''' An implementation for a Bokeh custom model in TypeScript Example: .. code-block:: python class MyExt(Model): __implementation__ = TypeScript(""" <TypeScript code> """) ''' @property def lang(self): return "typescript"
[docs]class JavaScript(Inline): ''' An implementation for a Bokeh custom model in JavaScript Example: .. code-block:: python class MyExt(Model): __implementation__ = Javacript(""" <JavaScript code> """) ''' @property def lang(self): return "javascript"
[docs]class Less(Inline): ''' An implementation of a Less CSS style sheet. ''' @property def lang(self): return "less"
[docs]class FromFile(Implementation): ''' A custom model implementation read from a separate source file. Args: path (str) : The path to the file containing the extension source code ''' def __init__(self, path): with, encoding="utf-8") as f: self.code = self.file = path @property def lang(self): if self.file.endswith(".coffee"): return "coffeescript" if self.file.endswith(".ts"): return "typescript" if self.file.endswith(".js"): return "javascript" if self.file.endswith((".css", ".less")): return "less"
#: recognized extensions that can be compiled exts = (".coffee", ".ts", ".js", ".css", ".less")
[docs]class CustomModel(object): ''' Represent a custom (user-defined) Bokeh model. ''' def __init__(self, cls): self.cls = cls @property def name(self): return self.cls.__name__ @property def full_name(self): name = self.cls.__module__ + "." + return name.replace("__main__.", "") @property def file(self): module = sys.modules[self.cls.__module__] if hasattr(module, "__file__"): return abspath(module.__file__) else: return None @property def path(self): path = getattr(self.cls, "__base_path__", None) if path is not None: return path elif self.file is not None: return dirname(self.file) else: return os.getcwd() @property def implementation(self): impl = self.cls.__implementation__ if isinstance(impl, six.string_types): if "\n" not in impl and impl.endswith(exts): impl = FromFile(impl if isabs(impl) else join(self.path, impl)) else: impl = CoffeeScript(impl) if isinstance(impl, Inline) and impl.file is None: impl = impl.__class__(impl.code, (self.file or "<string>") + ":" + return impl @property def dependencies(self): return getattr(self.cls, "__dependencies__", {}) @property def module(self): return "custom/%s" % snakify(self.full_name)
def _model_cache_no_op(model, implementation): """Return cached compiled implementation""" return None _CACHING_IMPLEMENTATION = _model_cache_no_op
[docs]def get_cache_hook(): '''Returns the current cache hook used to look up the compiled code given the CustomModel and Implementation''' return _CACHING_IMPLEMENTATION
[docs]def set_cache_hook(hook): '''Sets a compiled model cache hook used to look up the compiled code given the CustomModel and Implementation''' global _CACHING_IMPLEMENTATION _CACHING_IMPLEMENTATION = hook
def _get_custom_models(models): """Returns CustomModels for models with a custom `__implementation__`""" custom_models = {} for cls in models: impl = getattr(cls, "__implementation__", None) if impl is not None: model = CustomModel(cls) custom_models[model.full_name] = model if not custom_models: return None return custom_models def _compile_models(custom_models): """Returns the compiled implementation of supplied `models`. """ ordered_models = sorted(custom_models.values(), key=lambda model: model.full_name) custom_impls = {} dependencies = [] for model in ordered_models: dependencies.extend(list(model.dependencies.items())) if dependencies: dependencies = sorted(dependencies, key=lambda name_version: name_version[0]) _run_npmjs(["install", "--no-progress"] + [ name + "@" + version for (name, version) in dependencies ]) for model in ordered_models: impl = model.implementation compiled = _CACHING_IMPLEMENTATION(model, impl) if compiled is None: compiled = nodejs_compile(impl.code, lang=impl.lang, file=impl.file) if "error" in compiled: raise CompilationError(compiled.error) custom_impls[model.full_name] = compiled return custom_impls
[docs]def bundle_models(models): """Create a bundle of `models`. """ custom_models = _get_custom_models(models) if custom_models is None: return exports = [] modules = [] def read_json(name): with, "js", name + ".json"), encoding="utf-8") as f: return json.loads( bundles = ["bokeh", "bokeh-api", "bokeh-widgets", "bokeh-tables", "bokeh-gl"] known_modules = set(sum([ read_json(name) for name in bundles ], [])) custom_impls = _compile_models(custom_models) extra_modules = {} def resolve_modules(to_resolve, root): resolved = {} for module in to_resolve: if module.startswith(("./", "../")): def mkpath(module, ext=""): return abspath(join(root, *module.split("/")) + ext) if module.endswith(exts): path = mkpath(module) if not exists(path): raise RuntimeError("no such module: %s" % module) else: for ext in exts: path = mkpath(module, ext) if exists(path): break else: raise RuntimeError("no such module: %s" % module) impl = FromFile(path) compiled = nodejs_compile(impl.code, lang=impl.lang, file=impl.file) if "error" in compiled: raise CompilationError(compiled.error) if impl.lang == "less": code = _style_template % dict(css=json.dumps(compiled.code)) deps = [] else: code = compiled.code deps = compiled.deps sig = hashlib.sha256(code.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() resolved[module] = sig deps_map = resolve_deps(deps, dirname(path)) if sig not in extra_modules: extra_modules[sig] = True modules.append((sig, code, deps_map)) else: raise RuntimeError("no such module: %s" % module) return resolved def resolve_deps(deps, root): custom_modules = set(model.module for model in custom_models.values()) missing = set(deps) - known_modules - custom_modules return resolve_modules(missing, root) for model in custom_models.values(): compiled = custom_impls[model.full_name] deps_map = resolve_deps(compiled.deps, model.path) exports.append((, model.module)) modules.append((model.module, compiled.code, deps_map)) # sort everything by module name exports = sorted(exports, key=lambda spec: spec[1]) modules = sorted(modules, key=lambda spec: spec[0]) for i, (module, code, deps) in enumerate(modules): for name, ref in deps.items(): code = code.replace("""require("%s")""" % name, """require("%s")""" % ref) code = code.replace("""require('%s')""" % name, """require('%s')""" % ref) modules[i] = (module, code) sep = ",\n" exports = sep.join(_export_template % dict(name=name, module=module) for (name, module) in exports) modules = sep.join(_module_template % dict(module=module, source=code) for (module, code) in modules) content = _plugin_template % dict(prelude=_plugin_prelude, exports=exports, modules=modules) return _plugin_umd % dict(content=content)
[docs]def calc_cache_key(): ''' Generate a key to cache a custom extension implementation with. There is no metadata other than the Model classes, so this is the only base to generate a cache key. We build the model keys from the list of ``model.full_name``. This is not ideal but possibly a better solution can be found found later. ''' models = Model.model_class_reverse_map.values() custom_model_names = "" for cls in models: impl = getattr(cls, "__implementation__", None) if impl is not None: model = CustomModel(cls) custom_model_names += model.full_name key = hashlib.sha256(custom_model_names.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() return key
_bundle_cache = {} def bundle_all_models(): key = calc_cache_key() bundle = _bundle_cache.get(key, None) if bundle is None: _bundle_cache[key] = bundle = bundle_models(Model.model_class_reverse_map.values()) or "" return bundle