Properties System

In order to streamline and automate the creation and use of models that can for describing plots and scenes, Bokeh provides a collection of properties and property mixins. Property classes provide automatic validation and serialization for a large collection of useful types. Mixin classes provide for easy bulk addition of properties to model classes.

Below is the full class inheritance diagram for all standard Bokeh property types. Click on any node to be taken to the corresponding documention.

Inheritance diagram of

Properties are objects that can be assigned as class level attributes on Bokeh models, to provide automatic serialization and validation.

For example, the following defines a model that has integer, string, and list[float] properties:

class Model(HasProps):
    foo = Int
    bar = String
    baz = List(Float)

The properties of this class can be initialized by specifying keyword arguments to the initializer:

m = Model(foo=10, bar="a str", baz=[1,2,3,4])

But also by setting the attributes on an instance: = 20

Attempts to set a property to a value of the wrong type will result in a ValueError exception:

>>> = 2.3
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/Users/bryan/work/bokeh/bokeh/", line 585, in __setattr__
    super(HasProps, self).__setattr__(name, value)
  File "/Users/bryan/work/bokeh/bokeh/", line 159, in __set__
    raise e
  File "/Users/bryan/work/bokeh/bokeh/", line 152, in __set__
  File "/Users/bryan/work/bokeh/bokeh/", line 707, in validate
    (nice_join([ cls.__name__ for cls in self._underlying_type ]), value, type(value).__name__))
ValueError: expected a value of type int8, int16, int32, int64 or int, got 2.3 of type float

Additionally, properties know how to serialize themselves, to be understood by BokehJS.

class Angle(default=None, help=None)

Angle type property.

class Any(default=None, help=None)

Any type property accepts any values.

class Array(item_type, default=None, help=None)

NumPy array type property.

class Bool(default=None, help=None)

Boolean type property.

class Byte(default=0, help=None)

Byte type property.

class Color(default=None, help=None)

Accepts color definition in a variety of ways, and produces an appropriate serialization of its value for whatever backend.

For colors, because we support named colors and hex values prefaced with a “#”, when we are handed a string value, there is a little interpretation: if the value is one of the 147 SVG named colors or it starts with a “#”, then it is interpreted as a value.

If a 3-tuple is provided, then it is treated as an RGB (0..255). If a 4-tuple is provided, then it is treated as an RGBa (0..255), with alpha as a float between 0 and 1. (This follows the HTML5 Canvas API.)

class Complex(default=None, help=None)

Complex floating point type property.

class ContainerProperty(default=None, help=None)

Base class for Container-like type properties.

class DashPattern(default=[], help=None)

Dash type property.

Express patterns that describe line dashes. DashPattern values can be specified in a variety of ways:

  • An enum: “solid”, “dashed”, “dotted”, “dotdash”, “dashdot”
  • a tuple or list of integers in the HTML5 Canvas dash specification style. Note that if the list of integers has an odd number of elements, then it is duplicated, and that duplicated list becomes the new dash list.

To indicate that dashing is turned off (solid lines), specify the empty list [].

class Date(, 8, 28), help=None)

Date (not datetime) type property.

class Datetime(, 8, 28), help=None)

Datetime type property.

class Dict(keys_type, values_type, default={}, help=None)

Python dict type property.

If a default value is passed in, then a shallow copy of it will be used for each new use of this property.

class Either(tp1, tp2, *type_params, **kwargs)

Takes a list of valid properties and validates against them in succession.

class Enum(enum, *values, **kwargs)

An Enum with a list of allowed values. The first value in the list is the default value, unless a default is provided with the “default” keyword argument.

class Event(default=None, help=None)

Event type property.

class Float(default=None, help=None)

Floating point type property.

class Function(default=None, help=None)

Function type property.

class Include(delegate, help='', use_prefix=True)

Include other properties from mixin Models, with a given prefix.

class Instance(instance_type, default=None, help=None)

Instance type property, for references to other Models in the object graph.

class Int(default=None, help=None)

Signed integer type property.

class Interval(interval_type, start, end, default=None, help=None)

Range type property ensures values are contained inside a given interval.

class JSON(default=None, help=None)

JSON type property validates that text values are valid JSON.


The string is transmitted and received by BokehJS as a string containing JSON content. i.e., you must use JSON.parse to unpack the value into a JavaScript hash.

class List(item_type, default=[], help=None)

Python list type property.

class ParameterizedProperty(default=None, help=None)

Base class for Properties that have type parameters, e.g. List(String).

class Percent(default=None, help=None)

Percentage type property.

Percents are useful for specifying alphas and coverage and extents; more semantically meaningful than Float(0..1).

class PrimitiveProperty(default=None, help=None)

A base class for simple property types. Subclasses should define a class attribute _underlying_type that is a tuple of acceptable type values for the property.

class Property(default=None, help=None)

Base class for all type properties.

classmethod autocreate(name=None)

Called by the metaclass to create a new instance of this descriptor if the user just assigned it to a property without trailing parentheses.

class Regex(regex, default=None, help=None)

Regex type property validates that text values match the given regular expression.

class RelativeDelta(default={}, help=None)

RelativeDelta type property for time deltas.

class Seq(item_type, default=None, help=None)

Sequence (list, tuple) type property.

class Size(default=None, help=None)

Size type property.


Size is equivalent to an unsigned int.

class String(default=None, help=None)

String type property.

class This(default=None, help=None)

A reference to an instance of the class being defined.

class Tuple(tp1, tp2, *type_params, **kwargs)

Tuple type property.


Convenience function do explicitly mark a field specification for a Bokeh model property.

Parameters:name (str) – name of a data source field to reference for a property.
Returns:{“field”: name}
Return type:dict


This function is included for completeness. String values for property specifications are by default interpreted as field names.


Convenience function do explicitly mark a value specification for a Bokeh model property.

Parameters:val (any) – a fixed value to specify for a property.
Returns:{“value”: name}
Return type:dict


String values for property specifications are by default interpreted as field names. This function is especially useful when you want to specify a fixed value with text properties.


# The following will take text values to render from a data source
# column "text_column", but use a fixed value "12pt" for font size
p.text("x", "y", text="text_column",
       text_font_size=value("12pt"), source=source)


class FillProps(**properties)

Properties to use when performing fill operations while rendering.

Mirrors the BokehJS properties.Fill class.


property type: NumberSpec(1.0)

An alpha value to use to fill paths with.

Acceptable values are floating point numbers between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque).


property type: ColorSpec(‘gray’)

A color to use to fill paths with.

Acceptable values are:

  • any of the 147 named CSS colors, e.g 'green', 'indigo'
  • an RGB(A) hex value, e.g., '#FF0000', '#44444444'
  • a 3-tuple of integers (r,g,b) between 0 and 255
  • a 4-tuple of (r,g,b,a) where r,g,b are integers between 0..255 and a is between 0..1
class LineProps(**properties)

Properties to use when performing stroke operations while rendering.

Mirrors the BokehJS properties.Line class.


property type: NumberSpec(1.0)

An alpha value to use to stroke paths with.

Acceptable values are floating point numbers between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque).


property type: Enum(‘butt’, ‘round’, ‘square’)

How path segments should be terminated.

Acceptable values are:

  • 'butt' butt_cap
  • 'round' round_cap
  • 'square' square_cap

property type: ColorSpec(‘black’)

A color to use to stroke paths with.

Acceptable values are:

  • any of the 147 named CSS colors, e.g 'green', 'indigo'
  • an RGB(A) hex value, e.g., '#FF0000', '#44444444'
  • a 3-tuple of integers (r,g,b) between 0 and 255
  • a 4-tuple of (r,g,b,a) where r,g,b are integers between 0..255 and a is between 0..1

property type: DashPattern

How should the line be dashed.


property type: Int

The distance into the line_dash (in pixels) that the pattern should start from.


property type: Enum(‘miter’, ‘round’, ‘bevel’)

How path segments should be joined together.

Acceptable values are:

  • 'miter' miter_join
  • 'round' round_join
  • 'bevel' bevel_join

property type: NumberSpec(1)

Stroke width in units of pixels.

class TextProps(**properties)

Properties to use when performing text drawing operations while rendering.

Mirrors the BokehJS properties.Text class.


There is currently only support for filling text. An interface to stroke the outlines of text has not yet been exposed.


property type: Enum(‘left’, ‘right’, ‘center’)

Horizontal anchor point to use when rendering text.

Acceptable values are:

  • 'left'
  • 'right'
  • 'center'

property type: NumberSpec(1.0)

An alpha value to use to fill text with.

Acceptable values are floating point numbers between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque).


property type: Enum(‘top’, ‘middle’, ‘bottom’, ‘alphabetic’, ‘hanging’)

Vertical anchor point to use when rendering text.

Acceptable values are:

  • 'top'
  • 'middle'
  • 'bottom'
  • 'alphabetic'
  • 'hanging'

property type: ColorSpec(‘#444444’)

A color to use to fill text with.

Acceptable values are:

  • any of the 147 named CSS colors, e.g 'green', 'indigo'
  • an RGB(A) hex value, e.g., '#FF0000', '#44444444'
  • a 3-tuple of integers (r,g,b) between 0 and 255
  • a 4-tuple of (r,g,b,a) where r,g,b are integers between 0..255 and a is between 0..1

property type: String

Name of a font to use for rendering text, e.g., 'times', 'helvetica'.


property type: Enum(‘normal’, ‘italic’, ‘bold’)

A style to use for rendering text.

Acceptable values are:

  • 'normal' normal text
  • 'italic' italic text
  • 'bold' bold text