Source code for bokeh.models.tickers

""" Models for computing good tick locations on different kinds
of plots.

from __future__ import absolute_import

from ..model import Model
from import abstract
from import Int, Float, Seq, Instance, Override

[docs]class Ticker(Model): """ A base class for all ticker types. ``Ticker`` is not generally useful to instantiate on its own. """
[docs]class ContinuousTicker(Ticker): """ A base class for non-categorical ticker types. ``ContinuousTicker`` is not generally useful to instantiate on its own. """ num_minor_ticks = Int(5, help=""" The number of minor tick positions to generate between adjacent major tick values. """) desired_num_ticks = Int(6, help=""" A desired target number of major tick positions to generate across the plot range. .. note: This value is a suggestion, and ticker subclasses may ignore it entirely, or use it only as an ideal goal to approach as well as can be, in the context of a specific ticking strategy. """)
[docs]class FixedTicker(ContinuousTicker): """ Generate ticks at fixed, explicitly supplied locations. .. note:: The ``desired_num_ticks`` property is ignored by this Ticker. """ ticks = Seq(Float, default=[], help=""" List of tick locations. """)
[docs]class AdaptiveTicker(ContinuousTicker): """ Generate "nice" round ticks at any magnitude. Creates ticks that are "base" multiples of a set of given mantissas. For example, with ``base=10`` and ``mantissas=[1, 2, 5]``, the ticker will generate the sequence:: ..., 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, ... """ base = Float(10.0, help=""" The multiplier to use for scaling mantissas. """) mantissas = Seq(Float, [1, 2, 5], help=""" The acceptable list numbers to generate multiples of. """) min_interval = Float(0.0, help=""" The smallest allowable interval between two adjacent ticks. """) max_interval = Float(help=""" The largest allowable interval between two adjacent ticks. .. note:: To specify an unbounded interval, set to ``None``. """)
[docs]class CompositeTicker(ContinuousTicker): """ Combine different tickers at different scales. Uses the ``min_interval`` and ``max_interval`` interval attributes of the tickers to select the appropriate ticker at different scales. """ tickers = Seq(Instance(Ticker), default=[], help=""" A list of Ticker objects to combine at different scales in order to generate tick values. The supplied tickers should be in order. Specifically, if S comes before T, then it should be the case that:: S.get_max_interval() < T.get_min_interval() """)
[docs]class SingleIntervalTicker(ContinuousTicker): """ Generate evenly spaced ticks at a fixed interval regardless of scale. """ interval = Float(help=""" The interval between adjacent ticks. """)
[docs]class DaysTicker(SingleIntervalTicker): """ Generate ticks spaced apart by specific, even multiples of days. """ days = Seq(Int, default=[], help=""" The intervals of days to use. """)
[docs]class MonthsTicker(SingleIntervalTicker): """ Generate ticks spaced apart by specific, even multiples of months. """ months = Seq(Int, default=[], help=""" The intervals of months to use. """)
[docs]class YearsTicker(SingleIntervalTicker): """ Generate ticks spaced apart even numbers of years. """
[docs]class BasicTicker(AdaptiveTicker): """ Generate ticks on a linear scale. .. note:: This class may be renamed to ``LinearTicker`` in the future. """
[docs]class LogTicker(AdaptiveTicker): """ Generate ticks on a log scale. """ mantissas = Override(default=[1, 5])
[docs]class CategoricalTicker(Ticker): """ Generate ticks for categorical ranges. """
ONE_MILLI = 1.0 ONE_SECOND = 1000.0 ONE_MINUTE = 60.0 * ONE_SECOND ONE_HOUR = 60 * ONE_MINUTE ONE_DAY = 24 * ONE_HOUR ONE_MONTH = 30 * ONE_DAY # An approximation, obviously. ONE_YEAR = 365 * ONE_DAY
[docs]class DatetimeTicker(CompositeTicker): """ Generate nice ticks across different date and time scales. """ num_minor_ticks = Override(default=0) tickers = Override(default=lambda: [ AdaptiveTicker( mantissas=[1, 2, 5], base=10, min_interval=0, max_interval=500*ONE_MILLI, num_minor_ticks=0 ), AdaptiveTicker( mantissas=[1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30], base=60, min_interval=ONE_SECOND, max_interval=30*ONE_MINUTE, num_minor_ticks=0 ), AdaptiveTicker( mantissas=[1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12], base=24, min_interval=ONE_HOUR, max_interval=12*ONE_HOUR, num_minor_ticks=0 ), DaysTicker(days=list(range(1, 32))), DaysTicker(days=list(range(1, 31, 3))), DaysTicker(days=[1, 8, 15, 22]), DaysTicker(days=[1, 15]), MonthsTicker(months=list(range(0, 12, 1))), MonthsTicker(months=list(range(0, 12, 2))), MonthsTicker(months=list(range(0, 12, 4))), MonthsTicker(months=list(range(0, 12, 6))), YearsTicker(), ])